Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A report on communism


Communism is where a group or community owns the company, They also get paid for the amount of work they do. The work environment is the most important thing for them. A lot of people think Communism is bad, but the workers are happy with it! Also the work environment is 50% better than any Non- Communists, so that means more happy workers and more product and that means more money for the business and then more money for the business and then that gets the workers more pay! It's a good system! 

Did you know that when communism is present in the workplace people tend to be more happy, And people end up not hating their job, So that means you have more workers joining that love their job.

People think communism is bad, but it's not as bad as they say! Communists actually are happy saying that they enjoy their job and they wouldn't quit it for any other job.

Communism is a good system as it would help the workers and the business at the same time. The workers get more pay because they work more as they know that no one is incharge of them.

Communism was made so that people could live in a classless society, So no one was classed as rich and no one was classed as poor.

Also socialism is the exact opposite of communism! Most countries are apart of socialism For example: America, New zealand, Japan, ireland, Greenland. So that's interesting! 

So in summary, I think communism is good because….

The workers are more happy than office workers or 9/5 job workers.

Communist Businesses Make more products and money than normal businesses.

They have a good work environment.

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